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Our First Pets


Soon after we were married, Firtz and Bleu moved in!


1 Yr Married! 9/23

Todd and I enjoyed the day by getting full body massages at Urbana Spa. Very relaxing, we then traveled on to a well reviewed Italian restaurant. My favorite dish was the
dessert; bannana's foster. YUMM! One of the best I've ever had! We enjoyed the weekend and now Todd is back in GA. 5 or 6 more weeks of him living there. With him gone I see how much he does to take care of the house. It's a lot!

On a good note, his Mom incredibly is doing a little better. Her symptoms are being managed very well at the clinic. The open wound is being cared for properly and the infection is dispaiting. She used to be on oxygen 24/7 and now is only on it during sleep. No more blowing out veins from all the IVs. They just put a port in and the medication is more easily given. Todd says her complection is a lot better and they might start the chemo at the end of the week.

Weekend Highlights:
Got a beautiful ring from Todd plus cute stuffed animals, Todd seems ok, and he's coping well through all this, He loved the images I printed out to hang on the wall.
Just being together, getting dressed up, going out and being silly, laughing.


Bleu's brother! Click here to see more pics

Todd and I had a great weekend!
We picked out a new addition to the house hold! His name is Fritz and he'll be moving in at the end of Oct! We also have a lot of fun going to the Jason Mraz concert at a local college near us. We got to hear our wedding song in person. Wow that guy can sing! Now Todd is back in GA with his Mom. Next weekend isthe big weekend (Our 1 yr anniversary)! What to plan... hmmmm.


Click Here to View The NODA Show!

In all our hectic schedules the 7 of us managed to put together an artistic outdoor experience for the monthly gallery crawl! A couple of guys who participated are actually my co-workers. It took over a month of long hours collecting artwork, editing it into slideshows and compiling ideas however it was well worth the effort! We had a lot of fun Friday, mostly relaxing, drinking and enjoying the art in the sweltering heat. We had a decent crowd viewing our work for 3 hours. Thanks to all who participated!


NODA Slideshow

Last night got together with a group of artists in NODA @ Salvidor Deli. We compiled our art together with iPhoto, iDVD and projected it on the side of a building. It looked a lot better than I expected. So cool to see my paintings so huge!

Meeting Leigh's new dog
Viewing everyones work so big
Feeling inspired again to paint
Everyone liked the theme I chose for iDVD
Breaking the Sunday night routine of watching TV